Sunday, October 26, 2008

Raptors by the points

I quickly ran the numbers of my current army and this is what I came up with. I'm still lacking a bit in the Heavy Support section, and Fast Attack options too. But that's a later issue. I was thinking about doing some changes to the HQ section, by adding a captain and a command squad to it instead for the chapter master. And when it comes to Heavy support I need something that can punch thrue armor, like some Lascannons in a Devestator Squad. My first aim is to reach 1500 pts with this army.
Space Marine Chapter Master 140 pts

Boltgun, Powersword (+15).
Troop #1
Space Marine TacticalSquad 106 pts
9 marines, 1 sergeant (Boltpistol, Chainsword),
Flamer, Missile launcher.
Troop #2
Space Marine Tactical Squad 106 pts
9 marines, 1 sergeant (Boltpistol, Chainsword),
Flamer, Missile launcher.
Troop #3
Space Marine Scout quad 115 pts
5 scouts, Sniper rifle, Missile launcher (+10), Camo Cloaks (+15)
Teleport Homer (+15)
Troop #4
Space Marine Scout Squad 105 pts
5 scouts (1 shotgun, 2 Bolters, 1 Boltpistol & Combat blade),
H.Bolter & Hellfire shells (+10), Melta Bombs (+5), Teleport Homer (+15)
Elites #1
Terminator Squad 430 pts
9 Terminators, 1 Sergeant, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher (+30).
Elites #2
Dreadnought 105 pts
Elites #3
Dreadnought 105 pts
TOTAL: 1212 pts

For now it has all been about the numbers. Painting has been suspended on behalf of me catching a cold two weeks back. And insane coffing and painting does not go well together..!